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 Sato Clan

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Kazuo Sato

Kazuo Sato

Posts : 29
Points : 866837
Join date : 2012-07-21

Shinobi Information
Rank: Jounin
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Sato Clan Empty
PostSubject: Sato Clan   Sato Clan EmptyMon Jul 23, 2012 5:11 pm

Sato Clan Tribal-tattoos-pictures-designs-46-150x150

Kekkei Genkai: Chakra Bending - The clan has a peculiar Kekkei Genkai which allows them to focus on the chakra of a Ninjutsu and redirect, or bend, the chakra; therefore redirecting the attack. This can be used to help an ally in case their attack goes array, or it can protect you from an attack.

Clan Traits: The clan has a larger chakra pool than others to make up for their ability to redirect attacks. (For every clan member +100 chakra)


Home Village: Kirigakure no Sato
Clan History: Not much is known about the Sato clan except that it's founder wasn't from any of the Shinobi Nations. He came with his wife and five children to Kirigakure after fleeing his homeland far away. He had watched the fighters of his homeland battle through the use of nameless techniques and adapted that to the shinobi ways of chakra. He called this style, Chakra Bending, and taught it to his five children. After many generations of training it started to mutate the clan's DNA code and members could now naturally bend the chakra in other's attacks. The Sato clan lay low and escaped the Clan Massacres of Kiri's bloody past and have always been on the front lines of every war. There's no way to tell who is a Sato member unless you see their last name or their fights. Since not much has happened, it is up to the new generations to find a way to create a history for their clan.


Clan Leader: N/A
Current Members: Kazuo Sato


Clan Bloodline Techniques/Jutsu:

Name: Redirection
Rank: N/A
Type: Sato Clan Basic Technique

Chakra: 50 chakra for known element; 100 chakra for unknown element
Damage Points: N/A

Description: By focusing on the chakra in an attack, the user may redirect an enemy or ally Ninjutsu at the cost of their own chakra. This technique will not work on a clan-based Ninjutsu or a Ninjutsu that is connected to the opponent/ally in any way, shape, or form. Ex; This technique would not work on the Rasengan. This technique can only redirect Ninjutsu up to B-rank and after 10 uses the user will start to fatigue rapidly.


Avalibility: Available inside of Kirigakure - (No limit)
Limited outside of Kirigakure - (Only 3 Sato Clan members/families in each village outside of Kirigakure)
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